Refiance your French Lease Back

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Refiance your French Lease Back

In the past couple of weeks I have taken a lot of calls from people about how best to finance their EXISTING French property investment.
The main issues that arise are as follows:

1. I bought using cash or with a top-up loan in Ireland/UK and now want to take out a loan in France

2.I have a French loan and would like to:



    Change from repay to Interest only



    Take a payment holiday



    Get a better rate



    Extend the term of the loan




In-principle all of the above can be dealt with. Most people are looking to release French Equity to reduce their Irish/UK borrowings. A growing number are looking to reschedule their existing French loan to improve cashflow.

Rearranging your financing is just prudent financial management. In the current economic climate it may be the difference between holding onto your investment or not.

In recent years the French have broadened their lending options, introducing interest-only and capped interest rate products.

There are some costs associated with the above but generally they can be built into the new financing arrangement put in place for you.


Are interest only loans suitable for leaseback property loans?


If your current leasebacks are performing as you say,why bother with interest only mortgages!

If your young enough to enjoy it,i would expect you to have substantial gains after any 25 year period and no mortgage!


Can you believe these mortgage brokers trotting out the line

"Don't worry about the fees,we can add them to the loan"

Yeah right!.So now you pay interest on there extortionate fees for the next 25 years!
