French Leaseback Owners Survey

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French Leaseback Owners Survey

We (from the petition on and ) would like to build a clearer picture of exactly who the key players were in the sale of problematic French leaseback properties.

To do this we're asking people to complete a very short survey telling us who was involved in your original leaseback purchase. By creating a profile of the various parties involved, we believe this will help to further strengthen our campaign in seeking justice for hoodwinked owners.

It will only take a couple of minutes, and if you don't remember all the names (the notaire for example) just put in 'can't remember' or something like that and fill in what you can (the more people who fill it in the better - even if its not complete).

We hope to use this data to back up our engagement with the European Commission.

Remember, no personally identifying data will ever be used.

You don't have to add your name and email address, but if you do, rest assured it won't be passed on to anyone.

The survey is on Google Forms:

French Leaseback Owners Survey


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