French Leasebacks Mortgage Default

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French Leasebacks Mortgage Default

Resort : Les Jardins de Saint Benoit formerly operated by Garrigae noe Docte Gestio.

I am in default with my French Bank the above resort formerly owned by Garrigae now operated by Docte Gestio.

I want to keep in touch with other owners that are in a similar position to share best practice when the demand letter and forced sale commences.




Try to contact the other co-owners in your building and form a co-owner's 'committee'. It's the only way to fight the bastards that run the rip-off known as 'Leaseback'.


we have a house in this development and have defaulted for several years, our bank BNP, have refused to consider any reduction in repayments and have now cancelled the mortgage, we used a french solicitor as they refused to talk to us. Now they have siezed our bank account which had considerable funds in it. We have been advised to sell and that is what we are doing now. Is there any change in your position?

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