Gone at last

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Gone at last

Well folks...it's gone! After 11 years of misery and worry I'm rid of the millstone that was 'Leaseback'. I lost over €22,000 over the 11 years of ownership  (money in V money out) and the worry of it has been incalcuable. I feel as if I have paid someone €22,000 to torture me for 11 years!

Good riddance to it!

You lucky thing. Can I ask how you managed to sell it?




You lucky thing. Can I ask how you managed to sell it?




I sold it through Seamus McConville.

Use the "SELL MY LEASEBACK" option


Very happy for you, and, by the way, €22k over 11 years is a lot less money than I'm looking at losing if I manage to seel mine - unless, of course, a miracle occurs and that's

always a possibility.

Stranger things have happened Argent...but don't hold your breath.

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