Owner in my complex

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Owner in my complex

Im in les chant de oiseaux..im the only resident so far on this forum. Only joined this forum few weeks ago.im total shocked on whats going on.ive emailed p&v customer service for a list and contact numbers/emails of all my co residents.ive 3-4 years left on my lease .im going to use the time to contact and inform my neighbours of whats around the corner !!! Will p&v reply ??? Have i am entitlement to ask for this information ???? Do p&v have to give me the information ??? 



Hi John 

join the club . I know from my complex (120 apartments) that sombody was able to get a list of everybody , i think from the company that you pay the service charge to so I would try them too. i don't know if the management company is obliged to give you that list or will give you the list but the service charge company should have no reason not to give it to you .....unless they are both the same company as was the case in my place for years . It is hard to contact everyone though especially if half the people are french and you don't speak French but as you will see from all the forum if you all stick together and take legal action it does seem to work but takes years .I know I got a list from the AGM meeting that was held once but it did not have any email addresses on it .

Good luck 



You should contact your syndic de coproprietaires for a list of co-owners and their addresses - you should be paying this syndic for charges like site maintenace, rubbish collection etc. They should invite you to an AGM every year. They are obliged to give it to you but often drag their heels if they are in bed with the management company.

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