VAT payback

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VAT payback

I wonder if anyone could clarify the current situation on repaying VAT on a
French leaseback property. Did the law change recently? Our property Domaine
de la Mandoune is experiencing all of the many problems discussed on this
forum, no rent, late rent, bad management etc, etc. The agent is Mona Lisa

We are a very strong collective of 20 + owners who are in regular contact and
would appreciate any clarification on repaying the VAT if you break the lease

Our ultimate goal is to either appoint a new managing agent or run the property a
a collective group.

I would appreciate any news


see my post on related issue in the Odalys forum



As long as the property continues to be used as "holiday rental" then you do not have to pay back the VAT.   But there can be no downtime between you breaking the current contract and the appartment being used for holiday rental.   I would advise getting a lawyer to make sure the process is as smooth as possible.

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