is there any good story on leaseback?

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is there any good story on leaseback?

Cote d'Azur complex gets new lease of life - The Irish

Some useful contacts:

Solicitor Tom McGrath at (CEI)

Fiscal counsellor, French Embassy, London

0044 207 8319048 (available to public Tuesday and Thursdays from 2pm-4pm)

I merely pass information-from  the Irish Times newspaper 

This isn't a good news story, given the price of the apartments €5k rent is pitiful. There are no good news stories in is simply a scam like timeshare.


I think that is really the same rent for months or years . Then forced to take a lower rent , then value of property drops 50-75% ......only difference is that maybe the owners will be able to understand what is going on as will be in English but apart from that sounds the same old story . Owners should be allowed to sell their properties for what they want if the management company goes bust ....they broke the agreement ....not us . They should be the ones to have to pay back the VAT etc., as they broke the contract ....why is this not possible ? Why do they have no peanalites from the French Government ???? This is all a very one sided contract. 


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