Vat Repayment

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Vat Repayment


I have a leaseback in Les Jasses De Camargue. The lease ended on the 17th of November with pruniere. He is refuses to leave the site. So there is an ongoing court case.

I started renting my property myself from that date, not realising that I would have to pay back the proportional VAT.

Do you have to pay back the VAT is one lump sum or can you spread it out?

Can I rejoin the leaseback if and when a new leaseback operator is found?

Any help would be fantastic










This has been discussed many times. Start by reading the FAQ:


Hello everyone, I saw the topics of the forum concerning the Jasse de Camargues. Are there any of you homeowners who wish to sell their house in Jasse de Camargues ?I am looking for a house for sale, preferably 35m ² to come live with my wife.We live in Montpellier. You can write me on this mail: Thank you for your information, Flav

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